If we have not enough, a new increase average on 7% has been announced for shipping rates in USA by FedEx and other carriers.
I just don't get it. When the Country is sunk in a heavy recession, big Corporations keep rising prices without any reason other than the greed to make more money.
They need more money not for gas, not for employees as they are firing thousand of them, so why? To pay the big BONUSES to those CEO's good for nothing?
Try to get paid for a parcel damaged by them. I challenge you to try to get paid if they have damaged a parcel. They will say "IMPROPER PACKING" so no pay.
Improper packing, what a joke. WE send hundreds of parcels a week and one time to time is damaged, so how come not all our parcels are damaged?.
Any of our Customers that have received parcels from us knows how well pack are the products we ship, almost impossible to damage them, but FedEx and UPS manage to damage parcels.
O well, don't say anything. Stay at home quit. Accept all what these Corporations want and be happy with this unregulated freedom to Corporations. Pay for all their loses and mistakes (not talking about their thieves on front of them)
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